This is now an old project but I have decided to upload it and see what people think. I unearthed it recently whilst collecting images and project for my new website (that I am currently making).
I enjoyed making the project as it something personal to how I felt at the time and It has been good to view it almost a year and a half later with what now feels like fresh eyes. Now I'm not saying it is the strongest body of work but it is a body of work that doesn't just sit within the contemporary domain, but one that hopefully lends itself to everyone; well that was my aim at the time and I still feel it to be relevant.
I will open the work by adding not a synopsis but a small paragraph that I felt fitting. It was a small writing that summed up how I felt about time consumption in everyday life and how it can hold 'us' back from truly growing as a people and how our intellect is constrained by a boundary of the mundane tasks of day-to-day life.
"For me, like many, precious "free thinking" time comes in the form of the commute.
A narrow gap in the running of day-to-day like where I allow myself to switch of - ultimately switching on. The time spent on this small journey becomes a place where congested thoughts
evaporate and "free thoughts" flow like the fleeting landscapes that pass by as one watches from the window of a moving train"