Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Pictures of old.

I have been digging around in an old box full of photographs that I made years ago, before I really knew anything about image making. Its brought back some good memories. There are images from when I travelled the glob and lived in Sydney and some that are of me and my good friends, where we used to just drive to locations to drink and party.

This picture was made in about 2003 to 2004(ish) maybe?! We went to liverpool to to visit a friend and attend her 21st birthday party. Good times! The people listed from left to right are as follows, Hill, Dan, Steve and me.

As you can tell my camera had major problems. Still its not about the image is it?

I will upload more as I sift through them.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Georg Gatsas

I found this guy whilst trailing Pohotbook publishing websites and fell in love with his work on the spot. You should check out his guy out. Just awesome stuff here - www.georggatsas.com

Here are few snaps from his work 'Signal in the Future'

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Some snaps of Angie to fill the time.

Now thats some colour casts! I really should sort that out... but I wont.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

A photographer I found earlier that I had forgot about.

Its well worth a look. The photographers portfolios are beautiful and It shocks me that I had forgot about this work. Go on, have a look!

Alex Sturrock

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Some images that I recently made for the Warwick Hall project.

Images ideas for a new(ish) project.

I'm toying with a new(ish) project concept and I have been out making some 'idea images' this evening. The project will be made up from mixed media, so what I'm working with at the moment is only a small section that will ultimately make up whole.

I will keep posting more ideas and images as the concept evolves.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

A make-shift bike shed in the studio??!!

So this week saw the studio's unused room turn into a make-shift spray booth for Steve the bike man, well thats what I have decided to call him, to spray and build a bike. Basically my friend Steve took an unused bike that has been laying around the studio and has started to give it a new lease of life.
In all fairness its been a lot of fun and it seems we have two more bikes to mess with. I will upload some pics of the final product from this project and some snaps of the other two bikes as we set the wheels in motion so to speak.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Mummified Cat.

I found this little fellow whilst snooping around in the garage bellow my studio. I think you'll agree that this is an epic find!

Friday, 29 October 2010

Its like me but not me. Its well futile.

I received this little beauty today from the greek illustrator Angie Kordella. I think it is true genius and probably the best portrait of me that I have ever seen. A clear 10 out of 10 for this one!!!

Saturday, 16 October 2010


More work surrounding the idea of 're-appropriating' images.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

The idea of Re-appropriating images.

I have become increasingly interested in the idea of re-appropriating images in order to create and fabricate new narratives. I have been playing around with images I have found laying around in the empty studios and spaces that make up the building in which my own studio resides.

I have started off by working with just two images at a time to create small narratives and metaphors. I will expand to grow each of these small and early concepts as and when I feel I find imagery suitable for each set and look forward to creating new sets alike... like I said, Its early days yet.

The images shown bellow are snaps of these ‘Re-appropriating’ concepts I have made over the last few days. They sit in the hallway of Warwick Hall art space (where my studio is)

Thursday, 23 September 2010

ACCEPT (Working title)

I must point out before you move on that these images are not explicit for the sake of being Porn!

I thought I should upload three new images from a new concept I'm working on. I have decided not to upload the premise behind the imagery just yet. It feels to early and I wish to strengthen the synopsis first. So I will leave you to gather your own thoughts on these early workings.

I will upload more as and when I am content with the growth of the work.

Somewhere Between

This is now an old project but I have decided to upload it and see what people think. I unearthed it recently whilst collecting images and project for my new website (that I am currently making).

I enjoyed making the project as it something personal to how I felt at the time and It has been good to view it almost a year and a half later with what now feels like fresh eyes. Now I'm not saying it is the strongest body of work but it is a body of work that doesn't just sit within the contemporary domain, but one that hopefully lends itself to everyone; well that was my aim at the time and I still feel it to be relevant.

I will open the work by adding not a synopsis but a small paragraph that I felt fitting. It was a small writing that summed up how I felt about time consumption in everyday life and how it can hold 'us' back from truly growing as a people and how our intellect is constrained by a boundary of the mundane tasks of day-to-day life.

"For me, like many, precious "free thinking" time comes in the form of the commute.
A narrow gap in the running of day-to-day like where I allow myself to switch of - ultimately switching on. The time spent on this small journey becomes a place where congested thoughts
evaporate and "free thoughts" flow like the fleeting landscapes that pass by as one watches from the window of a moving train"

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

'WE ARE SHADOWS' (work in progress)

In a bid to represent the past and predicted present, 'We are shadows' looks back at the movement that took place in the early nineties that shook youth culture across Britain.

Britain had fallen into a recession a few years prior and this movement was believed to be a back lash effect from such an issue. Opportunity had dried up, employment was scarce and there was no money being pumped into a generation charged with energy and frustration. With a feeling of disconnection this group of people aged from twelve to mid twenties began to hang around parks and other 'doss' areas with time to kill.

Under the surface, a music scene was erupting. The 'rave' movement was born and the youth of this period had become the roots from which it stemmed. Hand in hand with this new wave of culture came a new drugs culture, shortly followed by a rise in crime. There was now something to focus this energy and frustration on.

This body of work focuses on a working to middle-class suburb in Cardiff between the years of 1992 - 1997. It was at this time that a quiet and respectable suburb –Whitchurch- found its youth generation at war with itself and its other inhabitants. This ‘gang’, free of care, respect, morals and hope, single-handedly brought crime levels to an all new high - theft, breaking and entry, assault, vandalism, drug pushing and high rates of drug consumption all rife within the gang itself.

This behaviour had such an effect that many of the suburbs residents chose not to leave their home after dark, and the areas that this group resided in were steered clear of by all people from the 'outside'.

This work in progress will then look forward to the present at an era that is now turning full circle. As we step out from Britain's economic crash of the 00's and a 'new rave' scene is once more creeping out from the wood work, these gangs are starting to form once more.

With the opportunity to capture the present as it unfolds, the work within this documentary will shift from conceptual to portraiture in a bid to document the faces of the repeated movement.